Theatre Reconnecting with Youth

Creative Europe project in which theatre and gamification are used as tools for understanding one of the biggest taboo topics today: money.

International project

TRY – Theatre reconnecting with Youth is an international project realized by 5 partner organizations – Eho animato (Serbia), Peripetija (North Macedonia), ArtCanAct (Greece), Threepenny (Serbia) and ViceVersa (Czech Republic). TRY devises and tests new methods of transnational and cross-sectoral collaborations in order to encourage theater authors to create meaningful connections with their youth audiences. The premise is that art cannot be developed without its audience development and vice versa.

TRY is co-funded by the Creative Europe program of the EU.


Artists from 4 countries, together with youth audiences will engage in a 2 year long multidisciplinary creative research. Participative approach and gamification strategies will build the basis of the methodology. The mixed group of theater artists and youth participants will have multiple opportunities for live & digital exchange.


Creative workshops in Belgrade, Athens and Skopje: gaining inputs on the topic of money from experts in different fields (anthropology, psychology, economy, design etc) and implement new knowledge in the creative research.

Virtual co-lab: transnational working groups will creatively research the topic, share their experiences and map the creative process in a virtual co-lab.

3 co-creations merging international creative teams & youth participants will be the final result of the program.


The objectives are to contribute to the development of diverse models of communication between youth audiences and artists, as well as connecting European theater artists and organizations working with youth audiences and enhancing their capacities. 

“What would you do if money wasn’t a problem?”